Our team is In the process of modifying our hardware to insure that there will be no more clogging or defective issues.
If you are experiencing clogging issues here are instructions to un-clog your device.
Removing Clogs: If you experience clogging, unwind a paperclip and insert it all the way down the airway of the mouthpiece, past the actual mouthpiece and swirl the walls. Remove the oil from the paperclip and continue until there is no more oil being pulled (this oil can be eaten like an edible). This is usually the only proper way to clear clogs.
Length of Hits: Short and sweet 3-4 second hits are best. Again, the chasing of big Instagram-worthy clouds is going to run you into clogging issues. Taking 3 x 3.3 second hits > 2 x 5 second hits > 1 x 10 second hit. The longer you go, the hotter you get (on autodraws), and the more oil flows through and it leaves more vapor in the airway when you’re done.
Don’t Vape if Cart is Left in the Cold: This is especially applicable in the winter when cartridges get left in cold cars. When you vape a cold cartridge the air has to travel through a very cold mouthpiece and a lot more oil will condense on the inside of the airway. This is one of the quickest ways to get clogs and have oil at the tip of the mouthpiece. You should always try to bring carts to room temp before using them.
Expectations: The average user-type experiences a clog at some point in a D8 cartridge, but typically it’s seen at the halfway to 3/4 point (this is also common in D9 cartridges). That’s just because the average user is not willing to do all of the things above, all of the time, so it eventually catches up to them. But if you’re at least willing to do the minimum maintenance required (paperclip method above) right when issues arise, then it is usually a quick, lasting fix.